Category: ADHD

Big Brother

I have a love/hate relationship with Big Brother, the TV show. Sometimes I hate the pettiness of some of the small-minded people, and an awful lot of the people attracted to applying for a show like this are very insecure, egotistical, selfish, argumentative, intolerant… …hang on a minute…? 😉  – which brings me to why […]

Dyslexia – ASD Symptom

Dyslexia, like ADHD, is caused by an under-developed cerebellum, and is an Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Many people who have it will also have other AS disorders, and be related to people with ASD. Most people think of Dyslexia as being only a reading disorder, or reading disability. In fact the word Dyslexia is made up […]

Irritable – ASD Symptom

Being irritable is known by most people to be a result of tiredness. Many parents know it to be a result of tiredness, hunger, pain, discomfort, illness, not getting his or her own way, etc. But when a person is also on the Autistic Spectrum, those niggling causes often produce much more intense irritability. A […]

What Exactly is ADHD?

. “What is ADHD exactly?” “What is the difference between ADHD and ADD?” “Aren’t people with ADHD stupid or slow?” “Isn’t ADHD just a made up condition for naughty kids?” . These are just a few of the questions many people have about ADHD and I can tell you that ADHD is definitely a real […]